Genealogy with a sinister twist!

Murder has a family tree! . . . Getting closer to our ancestors through genealogical research isn't supposed to involve deception, treachery, danger, and homicide, right?
Think again.
Welcome to a world where malice and murder lay claim to ancient kinship with bygone generations and become dear, deadly cousins of the present. Put on your amateur detective's hat for a while, as you explore my website and investigate my Louisiana genealogical mystery series.
Genealogy is one of America's favorite hobbies. Millions of people of all backgrounds, age groups, and economic situations have discovered the joys--and the frustrations--of family history research. Most family historians take pride in commemorating ancestral lives; but in my fiction, there are always those with motives and means to bury the truth.
Mystery lovers and genealogical enthusiasts alike have praised my books' complex story lines, historical plausibility, and rich detail of genealogical sources and methods. The novels in my series thus far: Deadly Pedigree, Lineages and Lies, and Jackpot Blood.
These award-winning mysteries are available by order through your favorite bookstore and from online retailers.
My sleuth is professional genealogist Nick Herald of New Orleans, who delves into crimes old and new that come to light in the course of his work on family histories. Nick may be a scoundrel and a reluctant hero, but he's a brilliant genealogist; and, as a former English professor disgraced by a bogus plagiarism charge, he brings to bear his broad knowledge of the humanities on the murderous perversions of family pride he encounters.
Assisted by Hawty Latimer, a brilliant, young, disabled African American woman, Nick uses his vast store of knowledge, his remarkable memory, and--most of all--his intuition to root out the fatal rot festering within the family trees he scrutinizes. He's no hard-boiled hero; yet when cornered, he will fight to win against villains who seek to obscure, control, or destroy the preserved record of the past for their own criminal purposes.
I hope you enjoy my mysteries. And poetry . . . my latest project is a little book of poems in praise of our cats, and, by extension, your cats, too. The four poems and many photos convey the joy of living with these wonderful animals, and, inevitably, the sadness and grief of losing dear feline friends. Poems for Precious Pussycats, on Amazon.com in Kindle and in paperback. A second volume of heartwarming cat poetry and photos is now on sale at Amazon, More Poems for Precious Pussycats.
Jimmy Fox